Grants Program
Hoag’s mission as a nonprofit, faith-based hospital is to provide the highest quality health care services to the communities we serve.
Hoag’s Community Benefit Program has focused on meeting the unique needs of Orange County residents with particular emphasis upon the disadvantaged and underserved. Each year, Hoag’s Community Benefit Program provides grants to community organizations who strive to meet the health and social service related needs of the Orange County community.
The opportunity to apply for a grant will be made to pre-identified organizations. Invitations to apply will be extended to organizations that meet eligibility requirements and have established their ability to demonstrate positive outcomes.
the program, please contact us at:

Access to health care
One of the greatest barriers to healthcare identified through this needs assessment was access to and delivery of care.
Seven (39%) of 18 interviewees noted healthcare access and delivery were the greatest health needs and 19% of provider survey respondents (n=160) indicated healthcare access and delivery were contributing to poor health outcomes in the communities they serve.
This was also a pervasive theme throughout focus groups. Barriers associated with healthcare access included 1) costs, 2) availability of services, 3) navigating the healthcare system 4) lack of awareness and education about resources available in the community.

Mental Health & Behavioral Health
Consistent across all data, behavioral and mental health was identified as a significant concern in the community.
Nearly a quarter (23%) of community survey respondents (n=637) indicated that the most pressing health need (out of a list of 23 needs) in their household was emotional wellbeing. Furthermore, when asked about the most pressing health need in their communities, focus group and interview participants overwhelmingly cited behavioral health despite not being prompted with a list. This includes 78% of interviewees (14 interviewees) and eight of the nine focus groups.

Cancer/Chronic Disease
Survey Reveals High Levels of Concern Among Medical Providers and Community Members
Ten percent of respondents in the provider survey listed cancer as a top health concern, which placed it among the top 10 health concerns identified by a community of medical practitioners, community health workers and other service providers. Twenty-five percent of community survey respondents also cited cancer as a top health concern.
- Funds must be used specifically for the designated program outlined in the grant application.
- If funded, a 6-month Progress Report and a Final Outcomes report will be required.
- Organizations must be invited to submit an application. Organizations will receive an email inviting the organization to apply.
- Organization must have operations in Orange County, CA
- Services are provided within the geographic boundaries of Orange County, CA
- Must be 501(c)(3) tax exempt organization, local government entity, or educational institution
- Services are provided to disadvantaged and/or underserved populations
- Services must align with at least one of the 6 Priority Focus Areas listed above
Funding Restrictions – Hoag Community Benefit will not consider funding requests from international, social or recreational clubs, or generally for the following: sports teams and tournaments; individuals; partisan political activities; endowments or memorials; re-granting purposes to other organizations; dinners, galas, walks, or other fundraising events.