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Diabetes Center

Use new tools against diabetes

New technology and treatments offer new hope for people with type 1 or type 2 diabetes: Insulin pump innovations give type 1 patients more control and freedom, and medication advances offer people with type 2 diabetes improved weight loss and glucose control. As exciting as these advances are, prevention remains the most effective approach to … Read More

Executive Health

Blood Pressure 101

What it is? On average, your heart pumps over 90,000 times a day. With each contraction, the heart pumps blood into the arteries that carry the blood to rest of the body. Blood pressure is defined as the force blood exerts against the artery walls. Systolic pressure is the force exerted as the heart is … Read More

Executive Health

Natural, Safe, Effective: 5 Proven Ways to Lower Blood Pressure

​Starting as low as 115/75 mmHg the risk of death due to heart disease doubles for every increase by 20 mmHg SBP (the top number) or 10 mmHg DBP (the bottom number). Achieving and maintaining a healthy blood pressure can have a significant impact on your health and longevity. Physicians typically encourage lifestyle modifications to … Read More

Featured News

Advice for hospital visitors with the flu: Please stay home

To prevent a bad flu season from becoming worse, some Orange County health providers have put in place several restrictions in recent weeks, most of them common-sense requests of visitors who might unknowingly spread the virus. “If you’re ill, please come to the hospital,” said Dr. Philip Robinson, medical director of infection prevention and hospital … Read More

Women's Health

Where and how to have a baby in Orange County

On Jan. 12 at 8:04 a.m. Erin and Shane Stevens welcomed Piper into the world. The Lake Forest couple had chosen Mission Hospital in Mission Viejo to have their first child, as it was right next door to Erin’s doctor who would be delivering the baby. Shane Stevens said he was glad he was able … Read More

Featured News

Spark of Innovation: Dan Nadeau

What project/research are you working on? My book, “The Color Code, A Revolutionary Eating Plan for Optimum Health,” is about the health benefits of brightly colored fruits and vegetables. The book has helped spark a well-deserved interest in how foods like blueberries, carrots, kale and avocados reverse aging and the fight chronic conditions such as … Read More


Hoag treats minds as well as bodies

For nearly 16 years, Hoag Mental Health Center has helped several thousand low-income and underserved people cope with stress, depression, anxiety and loss – often for free. But it’s likely you had no idea. You might also not be aware that you don’t have to be struggling with a mental illness to benefit from psychological … Read More

Executive Health

Choose Health in 2014: How to use Task- Oriented Goal Setting for a Healthier Year

Happy New Year! Take a lap around your office and you will hear your colleagues discussing their 2014 health goals. Take another lap in February and you will probably hear excuses, disappointment, and few success stories. There is one main reason these resolutions don’t stick: they are outcome-oriented. Outcome-oriented goals do not require a plan … Read More

Executive Health

Work, Family, Self: Prioritizing Preventative Health for Cervical Cancer Awareness Month

In 2010 the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention listed the following as the leading causes of death for women: heart disease stroke cancer chronic lower respiratory disease Prevention for these diseases can be possible with lifestyle management, and since January is Cervical Cancer Awareness month the spirit of the month is to encourage women … Read More


Beating the Holiday Blues

“It’s the Most Wonderful Time of the Year” is a great song. But in reality, when December hits, many people start singing a very different tune. During the holidays, we all can indulge in too many unhealthy practices – from skipping exercise to overeating sweets to missing sleep. Think of a toddler: When little ones … Read More