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O.C. Vital Aging program Awarded Grant to Promote Healthy Brains in Battle Against Alzheimer's

Newport Beach, Calif., July 2, 2013 – Hoag Memorial Hospital Presbyterian has been awarded a $450,000 grant to continue helping residents maintain a health brain for life, through its Orange County Vital Brain Aging Program, officials announced. The Orange County Vital Brain Aging Program (Vital Brain Program), launched in 2010, recently received its second UniHealth … Read More

Diabetes Center

Eat your veggies, don't drink them

Wednesday, July 3, 2013 by Mary D’ Avila, Guest Columnist for the Orange County Register We all know a healthy diet hinges on an average of seven servings of fruits and vegetable a day. What people don’t realize, though, is that they’re supposes to eat those fruits and veggies. Just as ketchup should not, under … Read More

Diabetes Center

Customized diabetes care in collaboration with patients' physicians

The American Diabetes Association estimates that nearly 26 million Americans live with diabetes. Recognizing that Orange County is deeply affected by this fast growing chronic diseases, the Mary & Dick Allen Diabetes Center at Hoag offers educational and support services designed specifically to meet the needs of your patients with diabetes and their families through … Read More

Diabetes Center

Sweet Life

In an effort to reach and offer support to every individual with diabetes in our community, the Allen Diabetes Center created Sweet Life – a free community education and support program. The Sweet Life program offers classes focused on diabetes technology, exercise, weight and nutrition management. Sweet Life gives an educational and support overview and … Read More

Diabetes Center

Mary & Dick Allen work with Hoag to Change Diabetes Care in Orange County

Mary and Dick Allen were thrilled to be spending the Christmas holidays with their daughter Jennifer, son-in-law Kevin and their two young children, 2½-year-old Hannah and 7-month-old Jake. That winter Mary remembered that Hannah had been fighting a persistent cold and she looked very thin compared to the chubby 2-year-old she was used to seeing. … Read More

Executive Health

Preventing Heart Disease Ten Minutes at a Time: The link between lack of physical activity and Coronary Heart Disease

As the Exercise Physiologist for Hoag Executive Health I have the privilege of working directly with each executive who receives one of our comprehensive physicals. Almost everyone I meet with describes a busy, hectic work week, and an even busier home life. They know that exercise is important and that they should find time to … Read More


Jolie brave, but also generous

The word “brave” has been used many times in the week since Angelina Jolie disclosed she underwent a preventive mastectomy, and it was fearless declaration. But the word that first pops into to my mind about the actress’s decision to go public is “generous.”   By alerting the world to her decision, Jolie has given … Read More

Executive Health

Exercise and Cancer Prevention

Physical activity has many health benefits that include controlling weight, reducing risk of diabetes, decreasing blood pressure, reducing risk of heart disease, and maintaining bones and muscle health. Perhaps the most compelling reason for engaging in exercise, though, is that it is a proven way to minimize the risk of developing certain cancers. Multiple research … Read More


Implanted 'bracelet' helps treat chronic heartburn

A tiny magnetic bracelet implanted at the base of the throat is greatly improving life for some people with chronic heartburn who need more help than medicine can give them. It’s a novel way to treat severe acid reflux, which plagues millions of Americans and can raise their risk for more serious health problems. It happens … Read More


Everything Gives You Cancer

  Put that muffin down! And that cup of coffee! Are you joking with all that…that…food? Are you trying to kill yourself? Anybody who has ever read anything knows that baked goods, processed foods, animal fats, carbs and even certain vegetables will give you cancer. They will. Science says so. Same holds true for expensive … Read More