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'Friend' or foe: An Army psychiatrist says Facebook hurts our troops

By Mayrav Saar August 18, 2012 Our soldiers are being devastated on an unexpected front: Facebook. Troops who have survived shellings and shootings can find themselves emotionally wounded by online photos of spouses partying with strangers and innuendo-laden updates that betray a very different “status” than that of a devoted girlfriend back home. Access to … Read More

Executive Health

Workplace Depression

How happy are your employees and what can be done to improve the work environment Stress, certain environments and repetitive tasks can all lead to depression among employees. Although many outside factors, such as family trauma, financial issues and medical conditions can also contribute to an employee’s depression, it is important for employers to recognize … Read More

Heart & Vascular

How technology is transforming healthcare

As seen in The Orange County Register Imagine a future in which every surgery requires a very small to non-existent incision. A future in which nano-robots are injected into your body to fight heart disease. Where your pacemaker will text your doctor if it senses there is something wrong. Some of this technology is already … Read More


Preferred Treatment for Patients with Metastatic Melanoma

For more than 20 years, Interleukin-2 (IL2) was the preferred treatment for medically fit metastatic melanoma patients, but recently two new agents were approved for stage IV disease. Click here to read the journal article.


Hoag Health – Brain Matters: When the Joker is Wild

?Obsessed with a comic book character? You may be courting tragedy. When voices compel you to act like a villain, your tragedy may visit others. With each new mass murder, grief grips yet another large group: We rightfully think first of the lives lost needlessly. The media vilifies the killer: His photo shows what could … Read More

Executive Health

Effects of a Stressful Lifestyle

Stress can contribute to a number of health conditions, including the common cold and obesity. Recent studies linked frequent stress to accelerating the aging process, even enhancing the onset of Alzheimer’s and dementia, according to researchers. American stress levels have increased within the past 30 years. Women reported an 18 percent increase in stress levels … Read More

Executive Health

Wellness in Action: Smoking Cessation

We are all well-aware of the risks of regular smoking over a lifetime – stroke, lung cancer and disease, heart disease, cancer of the mouth, kidney, pancreas, cervix, esophagus, bladder and many other health conditions that can result in death. According to the Centers for Disease Control, smoking harms nearly every organ in the human … Read More

Executive Health

A Visit to Hoag Executive Health

What is an executive physical? Our business is your health. Whether your company has invested in its executives, or you are interested in finding out more about your overall wellness, a visit to Hoag Executive Health takes a comprehensive look at the state of your body. Describing an executive physical as a comprehensive, full-day medical, … Read More


Brain Matters: When brain surgery is nothing more than a bad hair day

July 3, 2012 Michael Brant-Zawadzki, MD, FACR   You may have seen an “infotainment” TV piece of some third world psychic surgeon removing tumors with his bare hands and not leaving a scar, often accompanied by a gory picture of some bloody handful of stuff.   Ask Kathy H., a now 50- something mother of … Read More

Executive Health

Corporate Health Care

An Examination of Solutions Available for Companies to Combat the Rising Cost of Health Care Medical expenses are the fastest growing expense in a company’s budget and corporations are struggling to cope with the rapidly rising cost of medical care for employees. The United States spent $2.85 trillion dollars – nearly 22 percent of gross … Read More