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Laguna Hills Mayor Honored for his Service in the Army at age 59

By all measures, Dore Gilbert was living a blessed life in 2010. Gilbert, a dermatologist, owned a successful practice in Newport Beach and treated patients at Hoag Hospital. He and his wife, Gloria, married 26 years at the time, had raised five children, including a son who was serving in the Marines. Gilbert had served … Read More

Featured News

Rebuilding A Golf Classic's Swing

After 40 years spent golfing and running professional tournaments, Jeff Purser can track the trajectory of a title sponsor as well as any golf ball. Purser could see the mounting problems at Toshiba Corp. signaled trouble for the longtime title sponsor of the Newport Beach tournament. “It’d been a … roller coaster,” Purser said, noting … Read More

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Healthgrades names 'America's Best Hospitals' 2019

Healthgrades released its annual “America's Best Hospitals” list on Feb. 12. Hoag was recognized for the eighth consecutive year (2012-2019). For the first time, Healthgrades opted to release one consolidated list instead of two awards. In years past, the company released the Healthgrades Distinguished Hospital Award for Clinical Excellence, representing the top 250 hospitals in … Read More


Is Gaming Disorder a Real Addiction, and How Can I Tell if it's Affecting my Child?

Studies have shown that video games and other addictions, such as alcohol and nicotine, affect neural pathways in similar ways: They all lead to an increase in dopamine levels in specific pleasure centers of the brain. While drugs increase dopamine levels far more than video games, gaming can have a similar deleterious effect of “taking … Read More


Video Game 'Disorder' is a Real Thing, and Concern is Growing

Just when you thought it was OK to play violent video games like “Carmageddon” and “Manhunt” for endless hours, nanny state thinking wants to limit your Xbox activity. But it’s not about that last-century belief that gamers might turn into violent zombies. This time, the warnings are both sobering and serious. The World Health Organization … Read More

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9 Heart Health Mistakes Women Make & How to Fix Them

Heart disease is the No. 1 cause of death for women in the United States according to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention. However, there’s still a misconception that heart disease is a “man’s disease.” February is Heart Month, a perfect time to bring attention to the importance of cardiovascular health and learn more … Read More

Featured News

What It's Like To: Be Free From Epilepsy

Chris Marten of Santa Ana turned his life around after brain surgery stopped his daily seizures. This is his story: From age 18 on, I was a ticking time bomb. That year, while driving, I had an epileptic seizure. Neurons in your brain misfire, sending wild signals to muscles and nerves. I lost consciousness for … Read More

Featured News

For Most, the Flu is a Misery, not an Emergency

If you think that you might have the flu, don’t head to the emergency room at the first sign of fever. Emergency departments were created to handle emergencies – heart attacks, strokes, severe trauma, and other life-threatening emergencies. No matter how awful it feels, the flu typically doesn’t fall into this category – unless you … Read More


Hoag Experts Discuss Gaming & Device Addiction in Teens

Gaming and device addiction is becoming more common in teens. The World Health Organization recently recognized “gaming disorder” as a diagnosable condition. While the addiction is not the same as a chemical one via drugs or alcohol, it can cause similar psychological effects, such as irritability, depression, isolation and anxiety. Hoag invites the community to … Read More


We Have a Shot at Preventing Cervical Cancer

Many people think eradicating cancer is unattainable. But for cervical cancer, we are well on our way to doing just that. Cervical cancer was once the leading cause of death in women in the U.S. But we are on the cusp of vanquishing this disease thanks to regular pap screening and a vaccine that protects … Read More