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Diabetes Care

Hoag First in OC to Offer Long-Term Implantable Continuous Glucose Monitoring System

Hoag Memorial Hospital Presbyterian has become the first hospital in Orange County to offer a new state-of-the art sensor technology that monitors glucose values in adults with diabetes. Available to patients at the Mary & Dick Allen Diabetes Center at Hoag, the Eversense Continuous Glucose Monitoring System is the world’s first FDA-approved, long-term implantable glucose … Read More


What It's Like To: Get Rid of Cancer Before You Have It

When Somaya Ishaq of Irvine was told she had a 95 percent chance of getting ovarian cancer, she decided to be proactive. This is her story: We had two girls in two years. My husband and I planned on four kids. But I had complications after the birth of No. 2 in 2015. A year … Read More

Featured News

Hoag Named a Top 100 Hospital and Health System with Great Neurosurgery and Spine Programs

​Becker’s Healthcare named Hoag to its 2018 list of “100 hospitals and health systems with great neurosurgery and spine programs.” The organizations featured on this year’s list have extensive neuroscience and spine programs, providing treatment and cutting edge research into neurosurgical disorders. Many hospitals and health systems featured have earned top honors for medical excellence, … Read More

Featured News

The Crowd: Christmas Carol Ball Benefits Hoag

The most precious gift at holiday time, and at all times, is good health. Without that, what is there? The 52nd annual Christmas Carol Ball produced by the Hoag Hospital Foundation attracted some 600 supporters who know from many different perspectives just how significant health care is for the individual, the family and the community.Monarch … Read More

Featured News

Doctor's Orders: Follow These 6 Tips to Avoid Holiday Stress

For many of us, “the most wonderful time of the year” is anything but. If we let the holiday season get the better of us, we can find ourselves overeating, overspending, and over-extending from now through New Year’s Eve. Holiday stress has real health implications: The American Heart Association warns that the increased stress we … Read More

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Does Screen Time Before Bed Make it Harder for Kids to Sleep?

Q: [Kids to Teens] Can time in front of a computer, TV or other device affect my kids’ sleep? A: After a long day, many of us want to come home and relax in front of the TV. But that instinct might affect the quality of our sleep. And for children, the effect of too … Read More

Featured News

El Salvadorian Woman Walks After Life-Changing Surgery at Hoag Hospital

For Dalia Lopez, a lunge isn’t just a lunge and a kick isn’t just a kick. Because for the longest time – she couldn’t even walk. “Anyone else can do it so easily and you’re just sitting there wanting to do it but you can’t,” Lopez said. By the time she was 16, Dalia was … Read More

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Orange County is One of the Safest Cities in the Country

Living in a “safe” community is good for you in more ways than you may think. Of course a lower crime rate may lead to a reduced possibility of physical harm coming to you or your loved ones. But beyond that, there’s the idea of peace of mind. That’s the underlying notion of a recent … Read More

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Chill Out. Doctor's Orders.

You need to chill out. Seriously. Doctor’s orders. Research has long established a link between anxiety and health issues as grave as cancer and heart disease. In today’s world, stressors are everywhere. But thankfully, so are the antidotes to stress. From yoga studios in your local shopping center to mediation apps on your phone, there … Read More

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Tips for Better Sleep During the Holidays

The holidays are a wonderful time of year, but between festive gatherings, last minute shopping, and family visits – it can be the busiest time of year as well. To ensure you have the happiest season of all, it’s important not to underestimate the importance of sleep. Research shows time and again that sleep protects … Read More