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Featured News

What Causes Menopausal Belly Fat?

Most women have a love-hate relationship with estrogen. Studies have shown high levels are at least partially to blame for premenstrual syndrome, endometriosis, fibroids and even breast cancer. But when menopause hits and estrogen levels drop to an all-time low, women suffer from hot flashes, mood swings and bone loss. To top it off, as … Read More

Featured News

Longtime Operating Room Nurse is Hoag's Nurse of the Year

Hoag Hospital in Newport Beach announced Thursday that Judy Kidd, a perioperative services nurse, is the hospital's 2018 Nurse of the Year. Kidd was honored for her professional and clinical excellence as a patient advocate and a teacher to her fellow nurses, according a hospital news release. “Judy has educated hundreds of nurses who have … Read More


Show Teens a Path out of Suicidal Darkness

As the headlines are making all too clear: Our children are hurting, and they often see suicide as their only way out. Nationally, teen suicide rates are on the rise, and unfortunately we've experienced that firsthand with a recent suicide in our own community. That is why it is so heartening that the American Academy … Read More


Internet a 'Lord of the Flies': Teen Suicide Rise Started After Instagram, Snapchat began

Third of three parts. Part 1 and Part 2 A counselor at JSerra Catholic High School in San Juan Capistrano faces a gathering of somber students and asks if they knew any of the teens who recently took their lives. A half-dozen hands immediately rise. After a pause, more hands poke up. “I knew Kyle,” … Read More

Featured News

It's Time to Wake Up to the Importance of Sleep

“I’ll sleep when I’m dead.” It’s a common mantra among midnight oil-burners. But for those night owls who underestimate the importance of sleep, a more correct phrase would be, “I’ll be dead if I don’t sleep.” Chronic sleep deprivation leads to a cascade of physical illnesses as common as a cold and as severe as … Read More

Featured News

Chuck Jones? Einstein? Wile E. Coyote? A Nonprofit Boosts the Common Thread – imagination

“Imagination is more important than knowledge.” — Albert Einstein. Craig Kausen has a crazy childhood memory of his grandfather, Chuck. It takes place in the summer of 1972 in the backyard of Chuck’s Cameo Shores house in Corona del Mar. Craig was 10 years old. His brother Todd was 11. Chuck told his grandsons to … Read More

Featured News

Hoag to Open 12-Suite Maternity Unit in Irvine Where Women Can Go From Labor to Postpartum Care

Hoag Hospital will begin construction soon at its Irvine campus of a 12-suite maternity unit, which is expected to be open to the community in the summer of 2020, hospital administrators announced Monday, March 5. The 18,000-square-foot facility will go into an existing space that is currently being used for administrative offices. When the remodeling … Read More

Featured News

If Your Heart Skips a Beat it Could be Love, but it Could Also be Disease

Heart arrhythmias, which feel like a skipped beat or racing heart, occur when electrical impulses in the heart don’t route properly. Arrhythmias are usually temporary and harmless, but frequent heart palpitations or irregular heartbeats might be a sign of heart disease. If you experience shortness of breath, weakness, dizziness, lightheadedness, fainting or near fainting, chest … Read More

Featured News

Healthgrades Announces 'America's Best Hospitals' for 2018

Healthgrades released its rankings for America’s 50 and 100 Best Hospitals for 2018 on February 27, including Hoag. The hospitals on the list represent the top 1 percent and 2 percent of healthcare facilities in the nation, respectively. Patients treated at hospitals listed among the top 50 and 100 hospitals have a 22.3 percent lower … Read More

Breast Program

Hoag Breast and Ovarian Cancer Program Names a Co-Director

Hoag Hospital in Newport Beach has named Dr. Lisa Abaid co-director of gynecologic oncology for the Breast & Ovarian Cancer Prevention Program. “The most effective cure for ovarian cancer is prevention, so ‘prevention’ is prominent in our program’s name,” Abaid, a Hoag medical staff member since 2008, said in a statement. “As a result of … Read More