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Charity Spotlight: Gritty Up Fundraiser Nets $180,000 for John Wayne Cancer Foundation

​GRIT Cycle has become known for giving back to the community, and on May 29 and 30, they did it in a big way with the second annual “Gritty Up” fundraising event to benefit the John Wayne Cancer Foundation. The fundraising event began on Friday, May 29, with the “Gritty Up” Kick-Off Party and silent … Read More


Commentary: Make sure your child is ready for the stressors of college

One of the most important things to remember about raising children is that you’re really raising adults. As high school seniors decide where to attend college, parents are starting to realize that all their hovering and hand holding may have done their teens a disservice. Can your kid manage her time effectively? Do his own … Read More

Featured News

Local Focus: Hoag Doctor's Sports Radio Show Hits a Home Run

Here’s a question that even a first year medical student might not be able to answer: What organ of the body gets stronger the more you use it? The answer is bone, according to Orthopedic Surgeon Dr. Alan Beyer, Executive Medical Director of the Hoag Orthopedic Institute in Newport Beach, and most recently creator of … Read More

Diabetes Center

Students get to know vegetables from the ground up

After a night of rain, the sun made an appearance just in time for Dr. Daniel Nadeau’s morning visit to the Rea Elementary School’s vegetable garden. Nadeau, program director with the Mary and Dick Allen Diabetes Center at Hoag Hospital, arrived Friday to speak with Kileen Cowan’s kindergarten class about vegetables and nutrition. They met … Read More

Featured News

What it takes to reach 5 stars: Hoag Orthopedic Institute CEO weighs in

​Irvine-Calif.-based Hoag Orthopedic Institute recently earned a five-star rating from the Centers for Medicare and Medicaid Services for patient experience and quality; making it one of only eight hospitals in California to receive the ranking. Dereesa Reid, CEO at Hoag feels the CMS rating is exciting and believes that CMS, with the value-based program, is … Read More

Women's Health

How One Hospital Brought Its C-Section Rate Down Fast

Hoag Memorial Hospital Presbyterian, one of the largest and most respected facilities in Orange County, needed to move quickly. A big insurer had warned that its maternity costs were too high and it might be cut from the plan’s network. The reason? Too many cesarean sections. “We were under intense scrutiny,” said Dr. Allyson Brooks, … Read More

Breast Program

Hoag honors Nurse of the Year

Hoag Hospital has named Angela Mankoff, a sub intensive care unit nurse, as its 2015 Nurse of the Year. The hospital said Mankoff was recognized as a mentor to her co-workers, students and new staff members and her kind and compassionate manner. She has provided care at Hoag for more than 13 years and is … Read More

Women's Health

Hoag Women's Health Institute Recognized

The National Consortium of Breast Centers recognized Hoag Hospital’s Women’s Health Institute last month as the only Certified Quality Breast Center of Excellence in Orange County for the second consecutive year.


Tips to Fight Early Signs of Alzheimer's Disease

People found with early signs of Alzheimer’s disease can still form memories and learn new things. Huntington Beach resident Chuck Manley, 87, who has learned to embrace his condition, shared with Eyewitness News tips on what’s helped him most. Watch health specialist Denise Dador’s full story in the video. To view the original KABC 7 … Read More


Commentary: Listen to what your heartburn may be telling you

If reaching for an antacid following a meal has become a form of dessert for you, it may be time to reevaluate that burning sensation in your chest. While occasional heartburn is nothing to be alarmed about, especially after a particularly spicy or fatty meal, persistent heartburn may signal a more serious problem. April marks … Read More