Hoag helped save Jason Semko’s life, then gave it new direction.
A former film student, Jason moved to Los Angeles from El Paso, Texas in 2007 to pursue a career in the entertainment industry. He realized he needed more stability to fulfill his dream of starting a family, taught himself how to code and reinvented himself as a software developer. He met his wife just before the pandemic and landed a job at Hulu before it was acquired by Disney.
The couple was married in August, 2021 and bought a house in Huntington Beach soon after. In March, Jason discovered two things that changed his life forever: he was going to become a father, and he had testicular cancer.
“It was like being in a bad dream. I was looking forward to the birth of my first baby, but then I had this heavy burden weighing me down,” he said.
Being new to Orange County, Jason hadn’t yet found a local primary care physician – after all, he was young and healthy. He returned to his Los Angeles physician, who referred him to a specialist for his first surgery in April 2022. After surgery his wife advised him to find a doctor in Orange County for continuity and to stay on top of his health. Aware of Hoag’s strong reputation, Jason sought out Jeffrey M. Bassett, M.D., the Benjamin & Carmela Du Endowed Chair in Urologic Oncology, an expert in minimally invasive and advanced surgical options for urinary tract cancers.
“I felt a special connection with Dr. Bassett,” Jason said. “He doesn’t have an ego. He’s such a good listener. His positivity is infectious and always took the time to sit with me and answer every question.”
Jason left every appointment with Dr. Bassett feeling more positive and hopeful that he would overcome this chapter.
Jason was on active surveillance when in August 2022, a CT scan unveiled an enlarged lymph node in the retroperitoneal region, the most common location for testicular cancer to spread. The baby was due in a matter of weeks.
“Dr. Bassett told me about robotic surgery, which would allow me to avoid chemotherapy,” he said. “I was feeling anxious about the upcoming due date, but Dr. Bassett said the surgery would leave me in great shape to hold my son when he arrived.”
Jason felt reassured by Dr. Bassett’s expertise in this cutting-edge procedure.
“Most doctors would probably have just given me chemo or a more invasive surgery. This robotic approach was based on new research and wasn’t the standard of care at the time. Now, robotic surgery is more common, but Dr. Bassett was ahead of the curve,” Jason said. “He knew that I wanted to be able to hold my son, and I was able to leave the hospital the day after the surgery. I was so happy to leave that all behind.”
Two weeks later, Jason was back at Hoag, this time to support his wife and hold their newborn son, Luke.
“I was so grateful to be able to be cancer-free and to just be able to focus on my family,” he said.
The rollercoaster of life had not yet come to a stop, however. Several months later, Disney laid off 7,000 people, including Jason.
“I was scared thinking about the possibility of being unemployed and my cancer returning, prohibiting me from pursuing a new job opportunity,” he said. “That’s when a recruiter from Hoag reached out, offering me the opportunity I needed at just the right time.”
Going from receiving life-saving care at Hoag to joining the team has given Jason a deep sense of purpose and connection. “Once I landed here, I felt like myself again. I love being a part of the Hoag family. They have trust in me, confidence in me. I feel happy and valued.”
Recently, Jason celebrated his 1-year anniversary at Hoag, his 2-year anniversary of being cancer-free, Luke’s second birthday – and one more milestone: “Our daughter is due in December. Life is good and there are many reasons to celebrate.”