Tea meditation is a great way to help you reduce stress, sleep better, improve your mood, and support a healthy immune system. The following simple tea meditation can take five minutes or longer depending on your schedule. Practice as often as you like.
Immerse yourself completely in the process of preparing and drinking your tea from beginning to end.
5 easy steps:
Boil Water. Water is essential for our bodies. Watch and listen as your water slowly rumbles into a boil. Notice your breath. Take in one long deep breath and release slowly.
Steep. Engage your sense of smell while breathing in the aromatic tea leaves. Notice the changing scent as time passes. Take in another long deep breath and release slowly.
Pour. Listen to the soft chime of your teacup touching its plate. Take notice of the sound of the water splashing into your cup. Admire the swirl of color as the tea strengthens. Enjoy one more deep breath and release slowly.
Give thanks. Express gratitude for all the things that made this cup of tea possible. Thank yourself for taking the time to be present in this moment. Gently acknowledge any thoughts or feelings that arise in this moment. Breathe in deeply. Exhale a soft audible “ahhhhh.”
Drink. Feel the warmth spread around your mouth and sense the delicate flavors on your palate. Enjoy the warmth of the cup in your hands. Sit and enjoy this moment.
Extra bonus step – Decant. These herbal infusions are also great for your skin. Make an extra cup and set an intention (for example – this elixir I have made a custom tea to soothe and calm my skin). Once it has cooled to room temperature decant into small spray bottle. Periodically reach for the bottle and spritz.
Tone and release: “I release worry, I release stress, I release negativity.”
Tone and replenish: “I am calm, I am safe and I am loved.”
Common household teas and their topical properties for the skin:
Soothing and Anti-Inflammatory
- Green tea
- Chamomile tea
- Rooibos tea
- Jasmine tea
- Echinacea tea
- Lemon Verbena tea
- Matcha tea
- Ginger tea
Mildly Astringent
- Red Raspberry tea
- Green tea
- Lemon Verbena tea
- Rose tea
- Peppermint tea
- Kombucha tea
Reduce Redness
- Red Raspberry tea
- Chamomile tea
- Green tea
- Oolong tea
Other ways to use tea:
- Steep three bags into a warm (not hot) bath
- Save tea bags and use as compresses too.
Note:If you have any questions regarding whether you can ingest any of these teas speak with your oncologist or one of Hoag’s nutritionists prior to taking.