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Epilepsy Surgery Patient Helps More People

“I feel so grateful. I have been given so much, and now I just want to give back to the people who helped me like Dr. Millett.”

Published On: December 6, 2019

Long-Distance Patient Finds Successful Epilepsy Care at Hoag

“When we moved to Arizona, Dr. Millett asked me if I wanted him to help me find a doctor there,” she said. “I said, ‘No. I’m staying with you. We’re with you for life.’”
Published On: November 25, 2019

A Peek Inside Her Brain Gave Grateful Hoag Patient The Insight

“I honestly feel so fortunate. I feel like he saved my life,” she said.

Published On: November 25, 2019

From Saying ‘Goodbye’ to Hearing ABCs

“He’s wonderful. When it’s for my daughter, as long as the doctor is good, I don’t care what his bedside manner is. But with Dr. Millett, he’s smart, and he has a good bedside manner,” she said.
Published On: November 15, 2019

Hoag Cancer Patient Goes from “Nervous Talking” to Inspirational

“I feel very lucky,” Virginia said. “Everyone at Hoag was just awesome.”
Published On: August 1, 2019

Surgical Aortic Valve Replacement Patient ‘Good as New’

For several years, Mike Barnes was told by internist William Fukuda, M.D. that he had a heart murmur that might later require intervention. Under the advice of Dr. Fukuda, Barnes sought expert input from cardiologist Carey O’Bryan, M.D. to help monitor his heart health. Dr. O’Bryan told him that he had a failing aortic valve … Read More
Published On: July 31, 2019

Robert Blayden Calls TAVR 'A Gift'

When Robert Blayden thinks about the circumstances of his valve replacement surgery – the timing, the hospital, the physicians – it’s as though the stars aligned. “I think about it every once in a while,” said Robert, 82. “What a gift I received.” Robert was part of a clinical trial at Hoag last year to … Read More
Published On: June 27, 2019

ASPIRE Program Helps Teens and Families Cope with Mental Health

“She could still go to school and be part of this program. I liked that she was going to receive therapeutic help and that the psychiatric care was packaged into it. On top of it, was the family program content. It was all the care she needed.”

Published On: June 21, 2019

Stu News Publisher Has a New Appreciation for Hoag

Tom Johnson, publisher of Stu News Newport, has long been a supporter of Hoag. He has twice chaired the 552 Club, a community-based group of volunteers and donors. He serves on a philanthropic committee that supports Hoag nurses. And he has been a supporter of the Hoag Classic practically since the PGA-TOUR golf tournament first … Read More
Published On: June 6, 2019

Hoag Rehabilitation Services Helps Police Offer

The progress from where I was to where I am now, is a huge motivator to keep going.
Published On: May 21, 2019