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When an ER Doctor Battled Cancer During the Pandemic, She Turned to Hoag

“I feel so blessed. Hoag has been such an amazing place to receive care.”   At the height of the pandemic, people across the nation stood outside their homes, banging pots and pans and cheering to show their deep appreciation for health care workers. Meanwhile, one of those health care workers sat in a recovery … Read More
Published On: September 13, 2021

Sandi’s Story

When Sandi Benson was diagnosed with lung cancer, she was not afraid. That’s partly because of who she is – a positive, resilient and innate fighter with a spiritual resolve that leaves her at-ease when life throws a curve ball. But it’s also because of where she would take on the No. 1 cancer killer of … Read More
Published On: May 10, 2021

Hoag Saved Both Our Lives

After I was diagnosed at age 27, Hoag found a genetic mutation, and tested my family. Hoag enrolled my dad in their surveillance program and found early stage pancreatic cancer. Thankfully they were able to treat it before it advanced.
Published On: April 17, 2021

Glioblastoma Patient to Hoag: ‘You Made My Year’

“After a year, I sent Dr. Louis a thank you note,” Bernd said. “He told me I made his day. I told him, ‘You made my year.’”
Published On: December 28, 2020

Lung Cancer Survivor Feels Connected to Hoag

“I was impressed with his expertise with robotic surgery,” she said. “I thought, ‘This is good. I can stay right here and be treated at Hoag.’”

Published On: November 23, 2020

‘How Does One Live a Good Life?’

“I think Mr. Hoag was the nicest person, and the kindest person, in the whole world,” Cristina said.
Published On: October 23, 2020

Hoag Nurse Andrea Finds ‘Silver Lining’ in Hereditary Cancer Team

“It was super scary, but Frances in Hoag’s Hereditary Cancer Program was awesome. She was nice and informative. She gave us all sorts of information and told us about the plan and screening process. She was very helpful at a bad time,” Andrea said. “That is what has been great about the program.”

Published On: September 21, 2020

ER Nurse Becomes Cancer Survivor at the Hospital She Trusts

“The whole team at Hoag Family Cancer Institute, most especially the nurse navigators, blew my mind,” she said. “Everyone was incredible. They truly care. I have felt so connected to every one of my doctors.”

Published On: August 24, 2020

Oral Cancer Survivor Creates Food Guide to Give Others Hope

“I am grateful to share my food recovery journey,” he said. “The effect of talking with people who have said this guide has given them hope, it’s one of the most rewarding experiences of my life.”

Published On: February 21, 2020

Hoag Cancer Patient Goes from “Nervous Talking” to Inspirational

“I feel very lucky,” Virginia said. “Everyone at Hoag was just awesome.”
Published On: August 1, 2019