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How the Epilepsy Team’s Multidisciplinary Approach Restored a Family’s Smile

From her family’s smiling faces, it’s hard to imagine that just months before this photo was taken, Katy Cohen (pictured above on the left) was ​in and out of the hospital and even placed in a medically induced coma​ because of a condition that was causing her to rapidly decline.  Katy’s youngest child was born at Hoag … Read More
Published On: February 10, 2022

Nurse ‘Navigates’ Her Father to Pain-Free Living

When Charlotte Davis’s dad complained about his back, the Hoag Spine Center nurse navigator knew two things: 1. The pain must be really bad for her active father to mention it and 2. Burak Ozgur, M.D., would be able to help. “We were at dinner, and I told her I was scared to death of … Read More
Published On: January 7, 2022

Hoag Sends Stroke Patient on Road to Recovery

“I was blessed to come to Hoag,” she said. “Dr. Baker has been so kind. He listened. He didn’t rush me. I appreciated that. All my doctors at Hoag have been really good.” In February 2019, Josie Smith started seeing double and developed an earache and toothache. She thought little of it but scheduled an … Read More
Published On: July 17, 2021

On Her Road to Recovery, April Met Someone She Really Liked … Herself

April wanted to like herself. Finally. That desperate desire — along with a chance phone call her boss made to Hoag on her behalf — were the first steps that set April on her brave, inspiring, and ultimately successful road to recovery from alcohol and drug addiction that began when she was just 13. April’s … Read More
Published On: May 2, 2021

Glioblastoma Patient to Hoag: ‘You Made My Year’

“After a year, I sent Dr. Louis a thank you note,” Bernd said. “He told me I made his day. I told him, ‘You made my year.’”
Published On: December 28, 2020

Hoag Gives New Father a New Lease on Life Through Epilepsy Care for the Uninsured

“It’s been a huge blessing,” he says, tearing up. “I am very thankful. I thank everyone who cared for me all along my journey.”
Published On: December 17, 2020

Hoag Renews – and Preserves – Quality of Life for Patient with Epilepsy

“Dr. Millett truly is amazing. The patience he had with us was huge,” Seth said. “It did really help when Dr. Mehta and Dr. Millett sat with us together and explained what was at risk with brain function and what wasn’t. They were incredible.”

Published On: October 21, 2020

Behavioral Sleep Medicine Program at Hoag’s Pickup Family Neurosciences Institute Proves Successful, Even During Pandemic

“It was helpful to meet with the doctors and the other patients who have similar issues. It was comforting to know you’re not alone, it’s common,” she said.
Published On: October 13, 2020

Faith in Hoag and a VR “Sneak Peek” of Her Brain Surgery Put Rebecca Baker at Ease

“I tell everyone now whenever possible: Hoag is where you go if anyone you know needs brain surgery,” she said. “They must go see Dr. Louis at Hoag for a second opinion. It is so important.”
Published On: September 21, 2020

New Deep Brain Stimulation System Improves Quality of Life for Woman with Parkinson’s Disease

“Everyone there, when I go in, they go the extra mile,” she said. “I see Dr. Thakkar every three months, and he is very caring. When I need something, he takes care of it. I never worry about not being able to get a hold of him. I know that with him, I’ve got it covered.”

Published On: September 4, 2020