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Primary Care

Vivante Newport Center has ‘Montage’ Feel

Image Courtesy: OCBJ ­After the 2007-08 financial crisis, Nexus Companies PresidentCory Alder—together with CEO Curt Olson—went on the hunt for new building opportunities for the Santa Ana-based real estate developer. With Orange County’s population aging, they studied hundreds of senior living facilities in coastal towns like Newport Beach and Huntington Beach, where they discovered a surprising fact. “There … Read More
Published On: March 13, 2023

Why Daylight Saving Time Makes You Feel Terrible

This Sunday it’s time for the start of daylight saving time, so clocks will spring forward an hour. And if you get a case of the Mondays following the start of daylight saving time, there may actually be medical evidence for it. Not only are we losing an hour of sleep by springing forward, but … Read More
Published On: March 10, 2023

Top It Off: Helmets Help Prevent Head Injuries

You wouldn’t hike barefoot (we hope). So why would you bike, skate, play football or ride a horse without a helmet? The Center for Disease Control and Prevention estimates that about 1.5 million Americans survive a traumatic brain injury every year, and 176 people a day die from TBI. “There is no such thing as … Read More
Published On: March 8, 2023

3 Ways to Shine During Daylight Saving Time

Spring forward, fall… asleep at your desk? Daylight saving is just around the corner, and Hoag neurologist and renowned sleep specialist Jose Puangco, M.D., suggests preparing your body now for the under-appreciated effect that a shift in time can make. “Sleep is a function of the brain, and the brain needs time to adjust to … Read More
Published On: March 8, 2023

How to Love Your Heart in 5 Steps

It’s February, and romance is in the air… so, show your heart some love by keeping 5 things in mind. “Make an investment for your heart and keep it consistent,” Itchhaporia, M.D., M.A.C.C., F.A.H.A., F.E.S.C., Eric & Sheila Samson Endowed Chair in Cardiovascular Health and medical director of congestive heart failure and telemetry programs. “Keeping … Read More
Published On: February 27, 2023

Hoag Brings Private Sector to Healthcare Research

Photo by: OCBJ Robert Braithwaite likes to use a new phrase to describe what Hoag Memorial Hospital Presbyterian is doing—“privademics.” The idea is to combine the speed of the private sector with the talent of academic researchers, the chief executive of Hoag said. “When you look at the Mayo Clinic, they’ve brought together the private sector and academia,” Braithwaite … Read More
Published On: February 24, 2023

Top Four Screenings You Should Get Every Year

Feeling good? Great! Keep it up by getting the routine screenings and exams that your doctors recommend every year. Why get a checkup if you’re not feeling sick? Routine tests, screenings and exams give you and your doctor a baseline for your health and can help identify any looming medical issues. Make an appointment with … Read More
Published On: February 6, 2023

5 Reasons Your Body Loves Dark Chocolate

If your love runs deep, rich and delectable, let your Valentine know it with a gift of dark chocolate. Unlike its milky cousin, dark chocolate generally contains higher amounts of cacao, which is rich in the kinds of  substances that lets your Valentine know your relationship is a healthy one: Heart disease and blood pressure. … Read More
Published On: February 6, 2023

3 Things You Need to Know about Cervical Cancer and HPV Prevention

Cervical cancer affects more than 14,000 U.S. women a year and is responsible for more than 4,000 deaths. The human papillomavirus (HPV) is the leading cause of cervical cancer and is also the culprit behind five other cancers. The good news? There is a safe and effective HPV vaccine, and a large study of vaccinated … Read More
Published On: February 1, 2023

3 Reasons to Get Your Flu Shot Right Now

Colds, flu and COVID-19 continue to make their way around this time of year. Some may think it’s too late to get the flu shot now, right? Wrong. “Soon after getting a flu vaccine, a person’s antibodies rocket skyward, conferring protection against infection and disease. But three months later, the effect of the vaccine has … Read More
Published On: January 25, 2023