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A Life Regained: How Surgery Gave One Man His Life Back

“I’m optimistic about the future, Hoag offered me a new life.”

Published On: July 9, 2018

Longtime Epilepsy Patient Finds Help – And Answers

Chelsea Trimble had grown accustomed to physicians evading her questions, ignoring her concerns or dismissing them outright. Having experienced seizures since the age of 9, she was used to doctors and specialists working on her, rather than with her. So, when the new mom met David Millett, M.D., program director of the Epilepsy Program at … Read More
Published On: February 2, 2018

“I Had Seen So Many Doctors. What Was Going to Be Different?”

Tiffany Mueller used to call them her “gas station episodes.” She’d stare at a common object and draw a blank. Holding a book, she’d ask her mother or fiancé, “What is this called? Is it a…” and every single time, she’d finish the sentence with “gas station?” “That was just the word that would always … Read More
Published On: February 2, 2018

‘Pretty Dang Good’: Epilepsy Patient Has Hope for the First Time

Technically, Bryce Hodding was the third patient neurologist and epileptologist David Millett, M.D., saw after he was recruited to Pickup Family Neurosciences Institute at Hoag in 2014 as the program director of Hoag’s Epilepsy Program. But according to Bryce, “Every time you go in there, he treats you like you’re his first patient and you … Read More
Published On: February 2, 2018

Sean Porter is Living Proof that Hoag Heals Heart to Heart

From generation to generation, Hoag has improved — and many times, saved — lives, including mothers and daughters, fathers and sons, brothers and sisters. And grandfathers and grandsons. Sean Porter is reminded of that fact every time he looks into his grandfather’s eyes. Bill Porter had a heart attack and subsequent heart surgery by a … Read More
Published On: May 30, 2017

Genetic Heart Disease & the Importance of a Heart Healthy Life

Having a heart attack at 32 is horrible enough. But when you’re told that the cause of your ailment is genetic, and you have two young boys at home, it does something to your psyche. For some, knowing you have genetic high cholesterol might leave you terrified. For others, like Gary Leibowitz, it will bring … Read More
Published On: May 26, 2017

Hoag Gave Jenny Murphy What Her Heart Desired

Jenny Murphy has three children. This is significant not only because her children are young and rambunctious and adorable (which they are). It is significant because they might never have been born. Diagnosed with mitral valve prolapse at the age of 14, Jenny’s heart condition was monitored for more a decade before it became obvious … Read More
Published On: May 3, 2017

Living Proof that Hoag Heals Heart to Heart, One

From generation to generation, Hoag has improved — and many times, saved — lives, including mothers and daughters, fathers and sons, brothers and sisters. And grandfathers and grandsons. Sean Porter is reminded of that fact every time he looks into his grandfather’s eyes. Bill Porter had a heart attack and subsequent heart surgery by a … Read More
Published On: May 3, 2017

For Valve Repair Patients, Hoag is a Destination

Angela Canlas still tears up when she thinks about her heart surgery, one year later. “I live in Nevada, but my cardiologist told me that if I were his daughter, there’s only one doctor he’d send me to and that I’d have to head to Newport Beach,” Angela said. “He said, ‘He’s the best.’” So, … Read More
Published On: May 3, 2017

Hoag is Well Worth the Trip

They were very good at making me feel like I was being taken car e of and I was not just a number
being passed through the system
Published On: May 2, 2016