Join nationally recognized Hoag clinicians for a free virtual presentation on the latest advancements in cancer care, discussing how these therapies and technologies are further shaping the meaning of personalized cancer treatment. The event, “What’s New in Cancer Care?,” streamed live, takes place on Wednesday, April 21 from 5:30-7 p.m.
Each presenter will discuss an anonymous patient case, illustrating how these therapies are benefiting Orange County cancer patients.
Presenters Include:
–Gary Ulaner, M.D., Ph.D. – Hoag Radiologist & Nuclear Medicine Physician – Director of Hoag Molecular Imaging & Therapy.
–Peter Chen, M.D. – Hoag Radiation Oncologist – ViewRay MRIdian Linear Accelerator.
–Sourat Darabi, Ph.D., M.S. – Clinical Genomics Scientist/Educator – Applied Genomic Technologies.
In addition, there will be a special patient testimonial which discusses how molecular imaging at Hoag has greatly impacted their cancer journey.
To view the original article, please click here.
This presentation has concluded. If you would like to view the presentation, please visit https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=-NvQznvLVJ4