The Fountain of Youth: Uncovering the Power of Preventative Wellness

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In March 2023, NPR reported that life expectancy in the United States continued to decline after the pandemic compared to other countries1. Multiple factors, from socioeconomic to age and underlying conditions, have contributed to the decline.



The emphasis on life expectancy is why the interest in preventative wellness has increased over the past few years. As McKinsey & Company reported in 20242, preventative wellness remains a key trend. This shift towards proactive health measures brings hope and optimism and can significantly improve our quality of life and longevity.

 “Demand for products and services that support healthy aging and longevity is on the rise, propelled by a shift toward preventive medicine, the growth of health technology (such as telemedicine and digital-health monitoring), and advances in research on antiaging products).” – McKinsey & Company, January 2024


Changes for a long, healthy life 

Integrative Health Check-ups: To prevent chronic disease, start with a holistic and integrative approach to understand your baseline health. Complementary practices such as acupuncture, chiropractic, and health coach assessments can detect body imbalances. Further, working with a credible physician trained in traditional medical screenings, diagnostic tests, and DNA testing can teach you more about your health risks. 

Mental Wellness Practices: Mindful practices such as daily meditation, breath work, and mindfulness promote emotional resilience and mental clarity. Learning stress management techniques to unlock your parasympathetic nervous system helps prevent the physical consequences of stress on the body.  You can assess your mental health needs with a provider or mental health counselors and coaches for additional support.

Nutrition: Developing a nutritious food plan has numerous benefits for the mind and body.  With your integrative healthcare provider, you can assess your macro and micronutrient needs for healthy weight management.  This assessment helps pinpoint foods you should avoid that may cause disease.  We advise seeking organic and whole foods and shopping in the perimeter of grocery stores to limit processed options.

Physical Activity: Understanding which type of exercise promotes health rather than hinders is critical to your overall wellness. For instance, a HIIT session may benefit one person but harm someone else who cannot regulate their cortisol as efficiently. Exercise is highly related to the season and stress pattern you are in. Fitness and healthcare professionals can help you find the best exercise plan, depending on your current health situation.  As a baseline, we suggest finding an exercise you enjoy and can commit to regularly. 

Awareness of Toxic Overload: Toxic overload is becoming increasingly widespread as a topic of discussion. Although little data exists to support a causal relationship between electromagnetic fields and disease potential, we advise taking precautions anyway. For example, you can minimize Bluetooth exposure and screen time, replace products that contain toxic substances like phthalates, and exercise care near major power lines. You can learn more about poisonous overload and electromagnetic fields here at


Remember, even small changes can make an overall difference to your well-being and health. Introducing small changes can set you up for a cleaner lifestyle with exponential benefits and improved longevity. Hoag Compass is a data-driven, integrated healthcare clinic focused on preventative wellness and lifestyle changes to support a healthy life. Contact us to schedule an appointment and create a personalized plan to motivate you in your current season of life.


1 Simmons-Duffin, S. (2023, March 25). “Live free and die?” The sad state of U.S. life expectancy. NPR.
2 Callaghan, S., Doner, H., Medalsy, J., Pione, A., & Teichner, W. (2024, January 16). The trends defining the $1.8 trillion global wellness market in 2024. McKinsey & Company.



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