Becker’s Hospital Review again named Hoag to its list of 100 Hospitals & Health Systems with Great Women’s Health Programs.
Hoag clinicians have delivered nearly 200,000 babies since the nonprofit hospital’s founding in 1952. The hospital contains a 14-bed specialty antepartum unit for high-risk obstetric patients, an 18-bed labor and delivery unit with three cesarean section rooms, a three-bed obstetric triage area, and a four-room obstetric emergency department to care for its expectant mothers. The Women’s Choice Award recognized Hoag Hospital Newport Beach as one of America’s best breast centers for 2017. The hospital also earned a baby-friendly designation from Baby-Friendly USA and was designated a Blue Distinction Center+ for Maternity Care by Blue Cross Blue Shield Association.
The hospitals included on this list support award-winning programs in women’s health, breast cancer diagnosis and treatment, gynecology and women’s heart care. This list also recognizes hospitals with forward-thinking labor and delivery departments and recognition for maternity care. Many are high volume referral centers for their community, serving women with health needs across the spectrum.
To develop this list, the Becker’s Healthcare editorial team selected hospitals based on national rankings and awards received from several institutions, including U.S. News & World Report, CareChex, Women’s Choice Award Best Breast Centers and Baby-Friendly USA.
To view the Hoag listing, please click here. To view the full list, please click here.