The challenge we face today in our community is substantial, but we face it together. If each one of us does our part, we can keep our community, our loved ones and ourselves safe.
At Hoag, “doing our part” means showing up to the hospital every day. For the public at large, it means staying home.
Please know that Hoag physicians, nurses and staff have been working diligently to care for our patients. We ask that you support our efforts by taking necessary measures to “flatten the curve.” Your personal commitment and effort will slow the spread of the coronavirus, protect the community’s most vulnerable populations, reduce the impact on our health care resources and keep our valued staff and their families well.
The only way to flatten the curve and decrease the number of COVID-19 cases we are seeing in Orange County is to continue practicing social distancing. Not a partial commitment, but rather a full commitment.
Each person who self-isolates reduces their risk of infecting others dramatically. In 30 days’ time, a single individual who does not practice social isolation runs the risk of infecting 406 people with coronavirus. By reducing physical contact by 75%, that individual’s infection risk plummets to 2.5 people.
The difference this can make to the health care system, nursing homes, families with elderly or immune-compromised individuals is vitally important.
While you are doing your part to stop the spread, know that Hoag is well-trained and well-staffed to address this pandemic locally. Should you or a loved one become sick, we are here for you.
And we are here for all of our patients, to provide incomparable care not just to those with COVID but to all urgent conditions in the safest and most effective manner available anywhere.
Unprecedented times test our strength and our commitment to one another. I have no doubt that if we each do our part, we will emerge stronger than ever as neighbors, as a county, and as a nation. Hoag remains here for you. Please, stay home for us.
Robert T. Braithwaite is President & CEO of Hoag Memorial Hospital Presbyterian.
To view the original Stu News article, please click here.