Join Hoag for a live video stream of a licensed insurance agent presenting a Medicare Basics class. This class is a two-part series where you will learn the basics of Medicare to help you get started with your journey. This presentation is for educational purposes only and questions will be answered at the end of each segment. No specific plan information will be shared.
Class schedule:
–Medicare Basics: Part 1 – Wednesday, April 15 from 4-4:30 p.m.
Topics to be discussed: What is Medicare? When to sign up for Medicare; Medicare Advantage Plans (HMO or PPO); Medicare Supplement Plans (Medigap).
–Medicare Basics: Part 2 – Thursday, April 16 from 4-4:30 p.m.
Topics to be discussed: Medicare Part D (Prescription Drug Coverage); Co-pay Levels; Enrollment Timeframes; Financial Help for Prescriptions.
To register, click here. By signing up by April 15, you are automatically enrolled in both sessions. Your confirmation email will include the link to view the class live.
To view the original Stu News article, please click here.