The discovery of a woman’s heart disease likely saved her husband’s life.
Two months ago, 54-year-old Kelly Davis had a heart attack.
As Davis met with Hoag Memorial Hospital Presbyterian cardiologist Dr. Subbarao Myla in Newport Beach, answering vital health questions, it was discovered that she had 90 percent blockage in one artery and an aneurysm that required a two-vessel bypass.
Even more significant was the hidden heart disease of Davis’ husband Robert, which was uncovered as he helped his wife through her medical ordeal.
Robert had five blocked arteries and was feeling tightness in his chest.
“It’s not uncommon…we see this. The genetic risk factors is separate, but all the other risk factors—the salt intake, the sugar intake, the fat intake that controls the blood pressure and diabetes—they are sharing each other,” Myla said.
For the first time in his career, cardiothoracic surgeon Dr. Tony Caffarelli operated on husband and wife 10 days apart. Bypasses were needed in both cases.
“I think the lesson is that you have to listen to your body and pay attention to the symptoms that you’re having,” he said.
“Would I have had a little heart attack and he have had a big one? I don’t know. I hope not. It almost seems that way. So the timing, everything just worked out perfect,” Davis said.
Last week, the couple celebrated their 35th wedding anniversary at the hospital.