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3 Things About the Mind-Gut Connection That Will Surprise You

Did you know your brain and digestive system talk to each other? “The ‘mind-gut connection’ influences how you think and feel – and that communication is a two-way street,” said Elizabeth Raskin, M.D., surgical director for the Margolis Family Inflammatory Bowel Disease (IBD) Program within Hoag’s Digestive Health Institute. “Think of the marathon runner so … Read More

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3 Reasons to Get Your Flu Shot Right Now

Colds, flu and COVID-19 continue to make their way around this time of year. Some may think it’s too late to get the flu shot now, right? Wrong. “Soon after getting a flu vaccine, a person’s antibodies rocket skyward, conferring protection against infection and disease. But three months later, the effect of the vaccine has … Read More

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What Lisa Marie’s Death Teaches Us About Heart Health

“She was so much like her daddy, it was uncanny.” When friends and fans poured out their shock and love for Lisa Marie Presley, 54, the only child of Elvis and Priscilla Presley, who died this week of cardiac arrest, many inevitably noted the similarities between father and daughter. Like Elvis, Lisa Marie reportedly died … Read More

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How to Save Three Lives in an Hour

Blood donation is the gift of life. Three lives, actually. Did you know: Four types of transfusable products can be derived from one pint of blood, red cells, platelets, plasma and cryoprecipitate. Usually two or three of these are produced from a pint of blood, so one donation can save up to three lives. January … Read More

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3 Ways to Make Your New Year’s Resolution Stick

You’ve made a New Year’s resolution? Good for you! Don’t be deterred by the fact that only 19% of people stick to their resolutions. Those high failure rates can’t affect you! Right? Right! The key to sticking with your New Year’s resolutions is planning, accountability and setting realistic goals. You can lose weight. You can … Read More

Featured News

Witnessing Trauma

It is OK to feel… Remember where you were when the Space Shuttle Challenger exploded? Or when President Kennedy was assassinated? Or when the second plane hit the Twin Towers, making it clear that what you were seeing was no accident? Bearing witness to trauma leaves a psychological mark, and the players, coaches and teammates … Read More

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Clinical Challenges: Treating Breast Cancer in the ‘Very Old’

Should a woman with breast cancer undergo aggressive treatment if she’s age 85, 90, or even older? Specialists say the answer may be yes, depending on the patient’s health status and personal wishes. “If she’s a well person, there’s no reason to hold back treating her cancer,” said Heather Macdonald, MD, medical director of the … Read More

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Late-Stage Melanoma: Experimental Drug Combo Puts 50% of Patients Into Remission

Melanoma is a kind of skin cancer. While it has a 99% survival rate in its early stages, stage IV melanoma — when cancer has spread to organs such as the lungs — has a survival rate of 30%. Drugs known as immune checkpoint inhibitors (ICI) have improved the outlook for many people with melanoma. ICIs prevent … Read More

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Happy Holidays and Merry Christmas

Dear Neighbor, As the New Year approaches, I am filled with a sense of gratitude for the relationship Hoag holds with our community. Your trust in us pushes us to be better every day. Not just to adopt the most advanced technologies and procedures, but also to help create them. Your unwavering support during an … Read More

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3 Holiday Travel Tips From a Travel Medicine Expert

The pictures on Instagram showcase your family in matching PJs. Snowy afternoon walks. Steaming cups of hot chocolate. The tree. The menorah. The joy. What those pictures don’t capture are those other holiday gatherings, the microscopic, germy icky ones: The influenza virus bopping around the crowded airport security line. The Respiratory Syncytial Virus (RSV) offering … Read More