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Newport Beach City Manager Update: March 27, 2021

There was significant progress this week in both the COVID-19 case counts and vaccination rollout in Orange County and the State. First, a bit of local good news: A partnership between the City of Newport Beach and Hoag Hospital delivered 300 vaccine doses to members of our senior community at the OASIS Senior Center on … Read More

Featured News

Hoag Nurses Get CenteredVR To Reduce Long Term Stress

How can hospitals support their front-line employees as the coronavirus pandemic drags on? And on? By giving them some virtual reality rest and relaxation, of course. Hoag Memorial Hospital Presbyterian has launched CenteredVR, a virtual reality-based mindfulness and stress management program developed by BehaVR, Hoag is among the first health care facilities in the nation … Read More


Commentary: Inoculate Yourself Against Bad Information Regarding Vaccines

The COVID-19 vaccines are safe. They are effective. They have been tested on diverse cohorts of people. And no one manufacturer’s vaccine is better than another’s. Unfortunately, due to a constant drumbeat of misinformation, nearly a third of all Americans still say they don’t want to get vaccinated, or that they only want to get … Read More


Community COVID-19 Vaccine Clinics Update

Dear Neighbors, With so many things moving in the right direction, I am writing to update our Hoag community about what is happening regarding COVID-19 and vaccine distribution. I am pleased with the news that Orange County has transitioned out of the most restrictive purple tier and into the red tier on the state’s risk … Read More


Newport Beach Opens up its First Community Vaccine Clinic for Seniors at Oasis

As the effort to vaccinate residents throughout Orange County continues, Newport Beach stepped up Tuesday afternoon to help fill the gap for residents who can’t make it to vaccine super points-of-dispensing sites. The city held its first community vaccine clinic at the OASIS Senior Center in partnership with Hoag Presbyterian Hospital, which allocated about 300 … Read More


Hospital Chaplains Embrace New Role During the Pandemic: Caring for Caregivers

Before entering the room of a COVID-19 patient, the Rev. Peggy Kelley dons personal protective gear — both physical and spiritual. She pulls on a sterile gown and places a face shield over her mask. She pumps Purell into her gloved hands and holds them over her chest, checking in with her heart. With a … Read More


Oral and Sublingual COVID-19 Vaccine Candidate Formulations Present Positive Safety Data

California-based ImmunityBio, Inc. announced it had met the safety requirements for the first 12 participants in its Phase Ib human adenovirus (hAd5)-based T-cell COVID-19 vaccine trials in sublingual and oral formulations. Based on the findings of these trials, the optimal combination of administration route and dose will be determined and entered into the Phase II/III … Read More

Featured News

Hoag Becomes 1st West Coast Hospital to Offer Mazor X Robot for Spine Surgery

Newport Beach, Calif.-based Hoag Pickup Family Neurosciences Institute became the first West Coast hospital to use Medtronic’s Mazor X Stealth Edition robotic platform. The Mazor X is designed for precise, efficient minimally invasive spine surgeries. It also reduces the need for X-rays and minimizes pain and recovery time, according to a March 2 news release. … Read More


Huntington Beach and Local Hospital Team Up to Get Vaccine into Vulnerable Arms; Look for Similar Shot-a-Thons in Your Town

In the year-long fight against coronavirus, this seemingly simple event capped a milestone for hundreds of Huntington Beach residents: On Friday, March 5, they lined up in a hospital parking lot for their second doses of the Pfizer vaccine. But it wasn’t as simple as it looked. Many who got their shots Friday came from … Read More


OC Officials Hope County Will Enter Red Tier By St. Patrick's Day

Orange County Wednesday continued to show declining trends in cases of COVID-19, giving county officials hope of graduating to the less-restrictive red tier of the state’s coronavirus reopening system by St. Patrick’s Day. The county reported 160 new COVID-19 cases, raising the caseload to 246,980, and 14 more fatalities, raising the death toll to 3,966. … Read More