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Featured News

A Healthy Market for Healthcare Development

Hoag Memorial Hospital Presbyterian has expansion in mind, at the site of its Irvine campus. Newport Beach-based Hoag, which opened its 154-bed Hoag Hospital Irvine campus in 2010, has a deal in place to buy the Irvine property from its Irvine-based landlord, Healthpeak Properties Inc. The deal is for $226 million and is scheduled to … Read More

Featured News

Do Not Let Fear of the New Coronavirus be a Reason to Avoid Getting a Mammogram

The stay-at-home orders, cancellations, staff reductions and other changes in health care have had effects we are just beginning to measure. In March alone, compared to averages recorded from 2017-19, medical records data show an alarming drop of more than 90% in routine screenings for breast, cervical and colon cancers. The declines are certainly connected … Read More

Featured News

Top Women in Health Care

For the past 17 years, Grace Lozinski has practiced hospital-based internal medicine at Hoag Hospital. Her success has come from a belief that was instilled in her at a young age. Raised in an immigrant family, Lozinski watched as her parents worked incredibly hard to provide a better life for her and her siblings. “They … Read More



Hoag Hospital launched the social media campaign #OCtogether to create a chain of gratitude for the everyday heroes of the COVID-19 pandemic in our communities, from medical professionals to grocery store workers and good neighbors. Join in by posting about people you think should be acknowledged to your Facebook or Instagram accounts with the #OCtogether … Read More


COVID-19 Update: A Message from Robert T. Braithwaite

I hope this finds you well and healthy. I am writing to update you about Hoag’s COVID-19 response, tell you what we expect the next few weeks to look like and let you know what you can do to continue to take care of your health and your community. Hoag was one of the first … Read More

Featured News

Hoag Performs First Robotic Carotid Artery Stenting on West Coast

Hoag Memorial Hospital Presbyterian recently became the first hospital on the West Coast to perform an innovative robotic interventional procedure to stent a blockage in the carotid artery and improving blood flow to the brain. Christopher Baker, M.D., director of interventional neuroradiology at the Pickup Family Neurosciences Institute at Hoag, implanted the stent using a … Read More

Breast Program

The Exciting Future of AI and Mammography – and Physicians

Headlines around the world the past several months declared that artificial intelligence (AI) is better at detecting breast cancer than human radiologists. Can artificial intelligence really read my own mammogram better than me? That would be intriguing, if it were true. In fact, there are no studies to date proving that AI technology reads mammograms … Read More

Featured News

Learn more about Hoag's efforts to regain control from Providence

Learn more about Hoag’s efforts to regain control from Providence

Featured News

Virtual Reality Emerging As Effective Pain Management Tool

As doctors work to decrease opioid prescriptions for pain, they may start following the lead of a California hospital that is effectively using virtual reality to help its patients feel better. Hoag Hospital in Newport Beach is one of the first hospitals in the country to use virtual reality (VR) technology treatment outside of clinical … Read More

Featured News

100 Great Hospitals in America | 2020

Hoag has been named one of the 100 great hospitals in America for 2020 by Becker's Hospital Review. The hospitals included on this list have been recognized nationally for excellence in clinical care, patient outcomes, and staff and physician satisfaction. These institutions are industry leaders that have achieved advanced accreditation and certification in several specialties. … Read More