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Beating Coronavirus at 88 and 90: One Newport Beach Couple's Story

After 70 years of marriage, what’s several days at the hospital with COVID-19? Dolores, 88, and Louis Amen, 90, recently notched overcoming the coronavirus together to their lengthy list of marital accomplishments. Dolores has a history of pneumonia. Louis recently suffered from heart problems. But with spirit, characteristic feistiness and five days at Hoag Hospital, … Read More


'It's Going To Save Someone's Life': OC Couple Recovered From COVID-19 Donates Plasma To Antibody Trial

Janie and George Nichols were among the first in Orange County to test positive for the novel coronavirus, and now they’re hoping their plasma will help others fighting the illness. “I would have thought I’d have a little cold, that’s it,” Janie said. “Fever, sweats, aches, I had a little tickle in my throat.” But … Read More


'Where are the Strokes and the Heart Attacks?' Doctors Worry as Patients Avoid ERs

California’s hospital emergency departments are strangely quiet places these days. Before the coronavirus hit, tens of thousands of people across the state sought emergency help each day. But in the weeks since the virus began its spread throughout the U.S., those numbers have plummeted by a third to a half, according to physicians overseeing emergency … Read More


SoCal Pulmonologist Anoop Maheshwari's Fight to Recover from Covid-19 a 'Humbling Experience'

Two weeks ago, Indian American pulmonologist Anoop Maheshwari bid his despairing family goodbye. He was at the hospital – this time as a patient – and it didn’t seem likely he was going to come back home. As the full fury of the coronavirus continues to be felt in hospitals across the country, scenes like … Read More


Moms on the Frontline

Grace Lozinski Job: Medical doctor and chief quality officer at Hoag Residence: Irvine Family: Daughters Nicolette Petrie, 10, and Natasha Petrie, 8. Her husband, Russell Petrie, is an orthopedic surgeon. What is your role on the COVID-19 team at Hoag? “I am working very closely with infection prevention, as well as administration and medical staff … Read More


Leaked Remdesivir Results Show Promise, Helping Southern Californians with Coronavirus

The anti-viral drug remdesivir outsmarts the coronavirus. Posing as the one of the building blocks the virus needs to make copies of itself, it’s incorporated into the virus’s genome — stopping it from reproducing and essentially shutting it down in its tracks, research has found. Developed by the Bay Area’s Gilead Sciences in 2014 to … Read More


Pregnant During a Pandemic? What You Need to Know

Q: [Adults] I’m pregnant and my due date is in a month. Should I be concerned about delivering in a hospital during this pandemic? Travel plans can wait. Parties can wait. But your baby’s birth is not going to wait until COVID-19 passes. While it is natural to feel anxious about delivering during a pandemic, … Read More


No, Face Masks Do Not Replace Social Distancing. Here's Why.

The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention is now recommending that people cover up their faces when they heading out in public. Some larger cities, like Los Angeles, are making this mandatory, and many across the nation are busy whipping up DIY cloth face masks if they can’t get their hands on ones elsewhere. But … Read More


We Are COVID Strong

Becker’s Hospital Review including comments from Dr. Michael Brant-Zawadzki in a video providing words of encouragement for the health care community.


Video Discussing Orange County's Response to COVID-19 features Council Member Diane Dixon, Mayor Will O'Neill and Hoag Hospital

The Newport Beach Chamber shared the video of Dr. Michael Brant Zawadzki and Dr. Martin Fee discussing COVID-19 with NB Mayor Will O’Neill and Council member Diane Dixon. View the video here.