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Women's Health

Hoag Maternal Mental Health Clinic Helps New Mom Overcome ‘Intrusive Thoughts’

“I would tell any new mom that she absolutely deserves to take care of herself and seek the help she needs,” she said. “There are so many resources out there to help her. She’s not alone. Taking that first step can be scary, but I hope she doesn’t hesitate. It’s worthwhile.” Taylor should have been … Read More

Women's Health

Introducing Mila Rose, One of the First Babies Born at the Fudge Family Birthing Suites at Hoag Hospital Irvine

Everything came together for the birth of Mila Rose Rubalcava. Everything came together for the birth of Mila Rose Rubalcava. Born on Jan. 1, 2021, Mila was one of the first babies to be born in the spacious new Fudge Family Birthing Suites in Irvine. Her mom, Ciara, gave birth without medication, under the guidance … Read More


Sandi’s Story

When Sandi Benson was diagnosed with lung cancer, she was not afraid. That’s partly because of who she is – a positive, resilient and innate fighter with a spiritual resolve that leaves her at-ease when life throws a curve ball. But it’s also because of where she would take on the No. 1 cancer killer of … Read More


On Her Road to Recovery, April Met Someone She Really Liked … Herself

April wanted to like herself. Finally. That desperate desire — along with a chance phone call her boss made to Hoag on her behalf — were the first steps that set April on her brave, inspiring, and ultimately successful road to recovery from alcohol and drug addiction that began when she was just 13. April’s … Read More

Featured Story

Hoag Saved Both Our Lives

After I was diagnosed at age 27, Hoag found a genetic mutation, and tested my family. Hoag enrolled my dad in their surveillance program and found early stage pancreatic cancer. Thankfully they were able to treat it before it advanced.


After a Lifetime of Scoliosis, Spine Surgery Patient Stands Tall

“Dr. Jankowski really understands and promotes the philosophy of patient-centered care. His confidence is very reassuring,” she said. “I am extremely grateful to Dr. Jankowski and his medical assistant, Mileni Avalos for their outstanding patient care.”


Glioblastoma Patient to Hoag: ‘You Made My Year’

“After a year, I sent Dr. Louis a thank you note,” Bernd said. “He told me I made his day. I told him, ‘You made my year.’”


Pain-Free and Grateful, Surgery Patient Hopes Her Story Helps Others

“I’m blessed and Hoag’s blessed to have Dr. Ozgur,” Ann said. “He’s changed my life.”


Hoag Gives New Father a New Lease on Life Through Epilepsy Care for the Uninsured

“It’s been a huge blessing,” he says, tearing up. “I am very thankful. I thank everyone who cared for me all along my journey.”

Epilepsy Patient Receives the Kind of Care Worth Talking About

Ricardo Alvarado’s first four years with epilepsy were marked by a lack of communication: A lack of communication on the part of his neurologist, who rushed through their appointments without taking Ricardo’s concerns seriously. A lack of communication with his family, as Ricardo, then 25, tried to downplay his condition. And a lack of communication with most people in his life about the seizures he was experiencing on an almost daily basis.