As a young sixteen-year-old starting her health journey, Kailyn Hutchinson first crossed paths with Hoag OB/GYN, Lisa Karamardian, M.D., Jeffrey M. Carlton Endowed Chair in Women’s Health, in honor of Dr. Anne M. Kent and medical director of Maternal Child Health at Hoag Hospital. Little did Kailyn know that this initial meeting would mark the beginning of a special bond, one filled with unexpected twists and turns as she navigated from her teens to motherhood.
Years passed, Kailyn and her husband, John, had hopes for starting a family but were met with unforeseen fertility challenges. Yet, undeterred by the daunting obstacles in their path, they found comfort in the compassionate care provided by Hoag’s dedicated team of specialists. With each setback, they leaned into the expertise of their fertility specialists and OB/GYN, Dr. Karamardian.
After months of uncertainty, Kailyn and John were overjoyed to learn of Kailyn’s pregnancy. As the anticipation of parenthood grew, so did their gratitude for the team at Hoag who had walked alongside them every step of the way. “As a patient, you pick out your doctors. You pick out your team. If you don’t like your team, change your starting lineup. I have always had confidence in my team,” Kailyn said.
On October 2, Ruby Hutchinson was born at 7 lbs. even. Kailyn commends the maternity team for answering all of her questions right up until the last minute – literally. She was at lunch with her mother and husband, John on October 1, not feeling great. Just to be safe, she made a call to the medical team who told her to go to the Sue & Bill Gross Women’s Pavilion OB Triage Department. “If you’re questioning something or if something doesn’t feel right, it is best to come in just to be sure,” said Hoag’s magnet®–designated registered nursing staff.
The couple headed off to the Sue & Bill Gross Women’s Pavilion, where Kailyn was told she would not check into the labor and delivery suites until she was four centimeters dilated. She was currently three centimeters. “I looked at John, and said, ‘Let’s have this baby. I’m going to start walking. I’m going to try to get the ball rolling.”
After an hour of walking the Hoag Newport Beach campus, Kailyn was admitted. The rest happened very quickly once she was admitted into the labor & delivery suites. “I was progressing so fast. On my way into the room, I asked for an epidural. An hour after the epidural, I was 9 centimeters dilated. They said, you’re going to have to practice pushing. I only had to push once before Dr. Karamardian arrived to deliver my baby.”
“It was the most amazing experience ever. Dr. Karamardian took charge of the room and said, ‘We’re going to meet your baby girl’. As a patient, you want someone to take charge and say, ‘It’s OK, you’ve got this.’ It was such a whirlwind, but as soon as Dr. Karamardian walked in, I felt such ease about everything. She’s been with me through high school, college, marriage and a baby,” she said. “She is just the most poised, kind, amazing person.”
From the longstanding relationship with Dr. Karamardian to the support of neighbors and loved ones, Kailyn, John and Ruby found themselves surrounded by a community of support.
To those embarking on their own journey to parenthood, Kailyn’s story serves as a reminder that, with the right support, even the most daunting challenges can be overcome. With the compassionate care provided by Hoag Women’s Health Institute, they found not only medical expertise but also a sense of comfort and community.
Learn more about delivering your baby at Hoag Hospital hoag.org/pregnancy.