Patient Stories

Patient Stories

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ER Nurse Becomes Cancer Survivor at the Hospital She Trusts

“The whole team at Hoag Family Cancer Institute, most especially the nurse navigators, blew my mind,” she said. “Everyone was incredible. They truly care. I have felt so connected to every one of my doctors.”


Oral Cancer Survivor Creates Food Guide to Give Others Hope

“I am grateful to share my food recovery journey,” he said. “The effect of talking with people who have said this guide has given them hope, it’s one of the most rewarding experiences of my life.”


Hoag Cancer Patient Goes from “Nervous Talking” to Inspirational

“I feel very lucky,” Virginia said. “Everyone at Hoag was just awesome.”


Four Breast Cancer Diagnoses. Two Rare Genetic Mutations.

Breast surgeon, Dr. Sadia Khan, walked me through every step of the process from the diagnostic work up, to testing with genetic counselors and discussing my surgical options. I love the way she was able to take the medical terms and make them understandable through analogies. She has such positive energy and made me feel more comfortable through this difficult process.


Prostate Cancer Treatment at Hoag Gives Patient a New ‘Calling’

“I had excellent results with everything. There are always potential side effects, like incontinence. I had zero.”


Thyroid Cancer Survivor Receives New Innovative Procedure

“I’m very glad I did this. I couldn’t believe how easy it was, recovery was great, and I have felt amazing ever since.”


Hoag Helps Breast Cancer Patient Stay in Control

“I trust Hoag and I trusted Drs. Khan and Savalia. I read up on the work that they do, and based on their experience, I had a lot of comfort going in,” she says.


Hoag Helps Esophageal Cancer Survivor Reignite Taste for Life

As an esophageal cancer survivor, eating and enjoying food had been lost for Sarah for more than a year.


Breast cancer survivor thanks Hoag ‘Dream Team’

To have Dr. Silverstein build a team like that in two hours was astounding to me. I am honored to be his patient.


Working Together to Beat Cancer

I didn’t know anybody at Hoag; I just knew it’s where I needed to be