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Idaho Brain Tumor Patient Finds Home She Needed at Hoag

Pictured: Paul and Tricia Dietzler take a selfie together the morning before her second surgery at Hoag. What was an Idaho woman with a brain tumor doing driving almost 1,000 miles across two state lines to get to Orange County, California? Tricia Dietzler was in too much pain to contemplate that question as her husband, … Read More

Featured Story

For Stroke Patient, Day at the Beach Becomes Most Important Day of Her Life

Pictured: Lisa (far right) with her two friends, Jaclyn and Julie, who helped save her life with their quick action. It was July 10, 2023, and already blazing hot in Rancho Cucamonga when Lisa Peterson and her daughter, Haylee, left their home for Newport Beach to enjoy some respite in the waves with friends. They … Read More

Featured Story

‘I Didn’t Know How Much Pain I Was in Until I Was Out of It”

Sarah Post was able to get through the day. She was on her feet a lot and took frequent flights for work. Yes, her back hurt. But she figured it was sciatica left over from her pregnancy with twin boys that she delivered at Hoag nine years ago. It would flare up from time to … Read More

Featured Story

Grateful Patient Thanks Surgeon for Not Operating

Linda Lifur-Bennett, Ph.D., wants to clarify one thing: She is a patient of Burak Ozgur, M.D., director of the Hoag Spine Center. No, the Newport Beach neurosurgeon did not operate on Dr. Lifur-Bennett. In fact, he did not perform any procedures on the 70-year-old clinical psychologist. Rather, through his compassion and expertise, Dr. Ozgur prevented … Read More

Featured Story

Fudge Family Acute Rehabilitation Center Patient Says Hoag Is ‘Living Out Their Hearts for Society’

It was such a small stumble. Oscar Constandse and his buddies were at the tail end of a bachelor party in Cabo San Lucas. The hour was way, way too late, and Oscar tripped on his way to the cantina bathroom. That’s all he remembers about the accident. His friends told him later that he … Read More


After 72 Years of Seizures, Epilepsy Patient Says Hoag Gave Him His Life Back

His seizures began at the age of 4. By the time Michael Merritt was 72, his epilepsy became so severe his wife was sure he was going to die. But in 2018, Michael’s doctors referred him to the Epilepsy Program at Hoag’s Pickup Family Neurosciences Institute, where he met Program Director David Millett, M.D., Ph.D. … Read More


How the Epilepsy Team’s Multidisciplinary Approach Restored a Family’s Smile

From her family’s smiling faces, it’s hard to imagine that just months before this photo was taken, Katy Cohen (pictured above on the left) was ​in and out of the hospital and even placed in a medically induced coma​ because of a condition that was causing her to rapidly decline.  Katy’s youngest child was born at Hoag … Read More


Nurse ‘Navigates’ Her Father to Pain-Free Living

When Charlotte Davis’s dad complained about his back, the Hoag Spine Center nurse navigator knew two things: 1. The pain must be really bad for her active father to mention it and 2. Burak Ozgur, M.D., would be able to help. “We were at dinner, and I told her I was scared to death of … Read More


Hoag Sends Stroke Patient on Road to Recovery

“I was blessed to come to Hoag,” she said. “Dr. Baker has been so kind. He listened. He didn’t rush me. I appreciated that. All my doctors at Hoag have been really good.” In February 2019, Josie Smith started seeing double and developed an earache and toothache. She thought little of it but scheduled an … Read More


On Her Road to Recovery, April Met Someone She Really Liked … Herself

April wanted to like herself. Finally. That desperate desire — along with a chance phone call her boss made to Hoag on her behalf — were the first steps that set April on her brave, inspiring, and ultimately successful road to recovery from alcohol and drug addiction that began when she was just 13. April’s … Read More