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Patient Stories

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Women's Health

From Misdiagnosis to Breakthrough: One Woman’s Journey to Endometriosis Treatment

As a teenager embarking on her freshman year of high school, Amanda Stratton began experiencing severe and mysterious abdominal pain.   “Doctors chalked my symptoms up to irritable bowel syndrome, and that was all they could really offer me as a diagnosis,” she said.  Months turned into years, and despite following prescribed protocols from specialists and … Read More


Higher Calling: How Hoag’s MS Program helped one patient gain control of her diagnosis and her future

In 2019, Brittany Quiroz found herself among the nearly one million people living with Multiple Sclerosis (MS) in the United States. She recalled experiencing early warning signs of the disease while building her music career ten years prior.  “Because I was so incredibly busy touring and performing, I assumed my body was just really tired,” … Read More

Digestive Health

From Diagnosis to Cancer-Free in 14 days: How Hoag’s highly specialized interventional digestive care experts treated aggressive esophageal cancer and won

Rick Letterman’s passion for golf spans decades. Now 77, he’s been perfecting his swing since high school, when he worked as a caddy at a local country club in Kentucky.  “Golf is a very self-challenging game,” he said. “You align with your target in the distance, and you take your shot. When I received the … Read More

Digestive Health

How a unique endoscopic procedure at Hoag gave one patient her life back after a decades-long battle

For 17 years, Roz Hodgins struggled with what many of us take for granted; the ability to comfortably swallow food. “I always had to be very cognizant of what I was eating and where, and there were foods I loved that I just couldn’t eat,” she said. “Going to a restaurant was difficult because I’d … Read More


Navigating the cancer gene at Hoag: One family’s story

Since the discovery of genetic mutations BRCA1 and BRCA2 in the 1990s, testing for the genes has become a common course of action among patients and families with a history of certain cancers.   According to the National Cancer Institute, the lifetime risk of breast cancer for a woman with a BRCA mutation is as high … Read More


Standing Tall Again: How Advanced Surgery Helped David Reclaim His Active Lifestyle

David Gleckman, 65, has spent much of his life doing what he loves most–playing full-contact hockey. An avid golfer who had also sustained a back injury while skiing years earlier, he was no stranger to the risks involved in playing sports.   But by the time he had reached his early 60’s, the cumulative effects of … Read More


Hoag patient receives newly FDA-approved cancer treatment

Shahin Shelechi, 72, is incredibly optimistic–so much so that it’s difficult to comprehend the magnitude of what she has endured throughout her 30-year cancer journey. “You have to have hope,” she said. “And whatever I can do to help even one person, I will do it.” First diagnosed with breast cancer in 1994, the disease … Read More


Male breast cancer patient revitalizes life on the road thanks to care at Hoag

For Larry Arvin, a routine physical in 2013 ended with a unique and troubling diagnosis: He had breast cancer. “Initially, I was pretty shocked,” he said. “The fact that nobody really knows what’s going on with men’s breast cancer, that’s the challenge. The serious aspect is the effects of breast cancer when it metastasizes into … Read More


Hoag’s #1 Priority Is You: Tricia Takasugi’s Breast Cancer Journey

When Tricia Takasugi first discovered a lump in her breast, she knew she had to act quickly. A close friend, a breast cancer survivor who was treated at Hoag, urged her to seek care without delay. “She said, ‘You cannot wait two months or three months to see a doctor.’” Following that advice, Tricia called … Read More


One Woman’s Positivity Finds a Home in Hoag’s Comprehensive, Compassionate and Innovative Care

We have a choice about how to react to the heartaches of life. We can wallow in the dark places. Or we can, as Christine Lucas has, place the hummingbird feeder in the sunniest part of the garden, find a comfortable chair and enjoy the gift of being human. After losing two partners to cancer, … Read More