Family and Friends
It is important for family, friends and caregivers to also receive support as, they too, cope with a cancer diagnosis of a loved one.
Talking to your family & friends about cancer
Communicating a cancer diagnosis to family and friends is difficult. How exactly do you tell them? And, how do you expect them to react?
No matter what your reservations may be, the important thing to practice is open communication. It’s up to you how much you want to disclose, but being open about your diagnosis is the first step towards a healthy conversation. Talking and discussing what you’re going through can also help with recovery and adjusting to life during and after treatment.
Emotional support from family and friends can help in numerous ways, including:
- reduce anxiety, depression and psychological distress
- reduce feelings of pain
- improve mood and self-image
- improve ability to cope & feelings of control
- Learn more about talking with family and friends about cancer here.
There are online communities and blogs where you can also share private communication to family and friends regarding your cancer journey. Many patients use it to communicate how treatment is going, and how they are feeling. It’s a quick and easy way to connect with your family and friends, and enable them to reach out to you, if they are not comfortable doing so in person.
- My Life Line
- Caring Bridge
- Lots of Helping Hands
- Offers Counseling, Support Groups, Resources & Financial Assistance
Cancer and intimate relationships
Often times, cancer survivors and their loved ones can feel isolated or alone. Significant others play an important role in offering support during this challenging time, so it is important to keep communication open and accept the support of others.
Many women find intimacy challenging during breast cancer for reasons such as fatigue and nausea, and self-awareness from physical changes due to treatment. It’s important to speak with your partner, so they understand how you feel.
Learn about common challenges and changes in your intimate relationships during and after breast cancer, and how to work through them. Click here for more information.