Neuroscience Health Risk Assessments

Knowing and understanding your estimated risks of developing certain diseases can help you take control of your health and get treatment earlier. By taking one of our free online health risk assessments, we can help you determine the right level of care.

  • Back and Neck Pain

    Eight out of every ten people experience serious neck or back pain at some point in their lives, often with a severe impact on their quality of life. Our evidence-based assessment addresses spine function, pain severity, and other nerve-related symptoms.

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  • Sleep Apnea Assessment

    Sleep apnea prevents one-fifth of adults from getting a sound night’s rest, and Over time, it can significantly impact quality of life if undiagnosed. Take this assessment and take back control.

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  • Stroke Risk Assessment

    In the United States, stroke is the number five cause of death and the leading cause of serious long-term disability. Our assessment estimates your 10-year risk of having a stroke and provides personal feedback on managing controllable risk factors.

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More Risk Assessments

See a full list of health assessment tools available through Hoag.

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