Breast Skin & Nipple Changes

Changes in the color, texture, and shape of your nipple or the skin on your breast can be due to a variety of benign, non-cancerous causes, however, there are some changes that you may need to discuss with your physician, such as the following:

  • Nipple changes: nipples turning inward, retracted, or pulling to one side. Chronic nipple inversion can be normal, especially if it is symmetrical, but new nipple changes should be discussed with your doctor.
  • Nipple discharge (when not pregnant or breastfeeding): any fluid coming from the nipple, particularly when clear or bloody, should be discussed with your doctor. Milky discharge that occurs outside of breast-feeding should also be discussed with your doctor.
  • Breast skin changes: such as dimpling, thickening, color changes (redness or darkening), a persistent rash, or unusual warmth.