Breast Pain

Many women experience pain or tenderness in the breast or underarm region. Most of the time, this discomfort is due to non-cancerous causes, such as hormone changes, menstruation or menopause, pregnancy, breast feeding, breast cysts, medications/supplements, or an ill-fitting bra.

Generally speaking, breast pain that comes and goes with the menstrual cycle in a predictable pattern (“cyclical pain”) is benign and related to normal hormonal fluctuation. Pain that is not clearly cyclical is usually also benign but may require imaging evaluation.

If you experience any pain that is new, focal, persistent, and/or unilateral (on one side only), please talk to your doctor.

What can I do to get rid of the pain?

  • Wear a properly fitted bra without underwire.
  • Wear a sports bra while exercising.
  • Some changes in diet have been shown to reduce symptoms of breast pain, such as decreasing your intake of fatty foods and foods high in phytoestrogens (plant-based estrogens) such as soy and flax seeds.
  • Some over the counter, herbal and prescription medications have been shown to help. Ask your doctor about these options and if any are right for you.
  • Some women find that ice packs or heating pads help their pain.
  • Stress reducing relaxation techniques may also help alleviate symptoms of breast pain.